There's no denying it: it's been a spectacularly miserable summer and if there's any shade that can help prevent a case of the SADS, then it's getting some yellow into our interiors, STAT. But don't worry. We know bold splashes of bright hues can be a bit scary and if there’s any colour scheme that can tame saffron and sunflower shades, it’s black and white.
Mimosa is kept on a loose leash here with a splattering of black and white against a neutral backdrop. Notice the wall colour is not off-white or magnolia, but a shade with just enough blue and yellow hues to stop the scheme from entering the realms of uber-modernism. Try Blueberry White by Dulux for a similar effect.
Accessories: This look is all about accessorising, with splashes of yellow kept below eye level and teamed with serious black to prevent the brighter shade from speaking too loudly. The stand-out accessories include the iconic black Bourgie lamp by Kartell which costs about €200 from registered Kartell dealers such as Willie Duggan Lighting. You can get a similar look for less with the KULLA table lamp from Ikea (€72, www.ikea.ie).
Check out Ikea too for its Alseda rattan footstool (€26), a natural-hued replica of the one pictured. The candelabra by the hearth is the Ghost Acrylic Candelabra designed by Jon Russell in 2003 – you can buy this at several online retailers for about €50. You can also get retro phones in a variety of colours from Next, or if you’re lucky, you’ll find a second-hand one worth haggling over at a car boot sale or flea market.
For a similar coffee table to the one pictured, try the Soho coffee table from Montana furniture (€529).
Flooring: The flooring is original oak parquet – try Wilson’s Yard, Co Down or Kilkenny Architectural Salvage for reclaimed parquet. To get the sunniest effect from your yellows, ensure the room receives plenty of natural daylight. Shocking mimosa has a decidedly modern feel, so this look can carry off a piece of contemporary art above the mantel – again, keep it clean-lined and unfussy.