![Round Up: 4 circular mirrors from Absolute Essentials on Pickit](https://img.resized.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/round-up-4-circular-mirrors-from-absolute-essentials-on-pickit.jpg)
We're loving how the product catalogue is building over on Pickit, our social sharing and shopping feature. Recenty, we've been enjoying browsing the mirrors on offer (could this dull and gloomy summer have anything to do with it? Yes is the short answer!) and Pickit shop Absolute Essentials has some gems we're particularly coveting.
Here are our four picks from the store - which is your favourite?
- Ondatta Mirror, €339.99
- Amalfi Round, €199.99
- Westfield Cream, €139.99
- Crystal Round, €84.99
And you know, it's hip to be square, or rectangular ... or irregularly shaped too. Pickit has loads more options for anyone looking for a little something to bounce light back into a room: