Wigwam Motel: A bizarre teepee destination

By House and Home 28-09-2010

What is it:
Wigwam Motel; The Wigwam Motel was originally part of a chain of 7 wigwam villages, of which only 3 now remain.

What’s so special:
This group of 15 teepees have a diameter of 14 feet at the base and a height of 32 feet. Unlike Indian teepees these steel and concrete constructions have modern conveniences. Behind the main room of each unit is a small bathroom with sink, toilet, and shower.

Current rooms contain the original restored hickory furniture, two double beds, cable TV and a window mounted air conditioner. However, the wigwams still look authentic and have been welcoming guests since the 1950's. Outside, parked amongst the minivans and SUV's, you'll find several vintage 1950s cars, that help add to the time-warp experience.

The details:
The Wigwam Motel can be found at 811 West Hopi Drive, Holbrook, Arizona, 86025, USA. Get in touch by telephoning +001 928 524 3048 or email [email protected]. More information can be found on their website: www.galerie-kokopelli.com/wigwam. Two double beds will cost you $58.00 plus tax, one double bed costs $52.00 plus tax.

Getting There:
Aer Lingus fly from Dublin to New York JFK. From JFK you then catch a flight directly to Phoenix, Arizona.

By Natalia McCarthy

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