Rosemary Mac Cabe is a freelance journalist, blogger and snapchat star based in Dublin. Touching on subjects around lifestyle, fashion, social media, mental health and everything in between, here Rosemary shares her favourite spots to shop, eat and drink.

My favourite Irish places to shop for home accessories are…
I love Article, in the Powerscourt Townhouse Centre. It has a really gorgeous selection of interiors bits, cute birthday cards and tea towels. I think I could buy pretty much anything in there and I'd love it. I also love Designist (Designist.ie), a hop, skip and a jump away on George's St. They have a really quirky selection of interiors pieces; lampshades, grow-your-own cacti etc… It's a kind of lucky dip in that you just don't know what you'll find lurking in there, but it's always a treat.

My favourite online shops for home accessories are…
I love Zara Home; I have some gorgeous bed linens from there that have washed really well, which is important to me. Plus, they do great patterns, which don't show dog hair! I've also bought a few great bits from Gilt.com – it's an online discount site that essentially sells discounted designer bits, from clothing to interiors. There's a lot of gorgeous furniture that only ships to the US, but I bought the most incredible little geisha Christmas decorations from there, one year, that were just so different.

My favourite place to eat out is…
For a date-night special, my favourite has to be Taste at Rustic by Dylan McGrath. It's above Rustic Stone, and has some incredibly long-winded explanation about what it is... But essentially, it's a kind of Asian fusion that serves really yummy food, and everything's a combination of sweet and spicy, or sour and syrupy. It's hard to explain, but trust me: it's incredible.
Image: Oolong Flower Power
A place I think not enough people know about is…
Oolong Flower Power, on Stephens Street Lower in Dublin. It's a tea shop, but that's actually not the draw for me (I only drink coffee); it has gorgeous couches downstairs, it’s really dimly lit and cosy. I could sit there for hours. And it also does these delish pizzas, which have tea actually in the tomato sauce; I don't know how or why it works, but it does. Plus, because it's a tea shop, I feel like I can trick myself into thinking the pizza is healthy. That's logical, right?
Image: Brother Hubbard
The best places to catch up with a friend is…
I don't really believe in conversing without food and coffee, so I'd usually have my catch-ups over something sweet at somewhere like Brother Hubbard. Get the cinnamon and walnut scroll and no, don't share it! Or I sit outside Foodie in the IFSC. They do really good coffee and also stock Nutshed treats, which are clean and actually taste so sinful.
Image: Carolyn Donnelly for Dunnes Stores
The interiors item/home accessory I’m coveting right now is…
I really love the Carolyn Donnelly range in Dunnes Stores, and I'm considering purchasing one of her large Arabian rugs, to put under my dining room table. It's really gorgeous, but I'm always reluctant to go for something so themed – like, if I buy an Arabian rug, does the rest of the room have to “match”? I fancy myself as having a seriously Pinterest-y style – you know, minimalist, bare walls, “pops of colour”, but my lust for this rug just shows the truth: I'm actually a kind of bric-a-brac collector. Maybe I should just give in and go for the rug. I'm still debating.
You can catch up with Rosemary Mac Cabe on her blog, or follow her on her social media under @rosemarymaccabe.