Quite simply the best biscuit cake, we love this recipe to use up leftover biscuits in the most delicious way. It is so good that you can use it as a dessert, particularly with a few raspberries or a raspberry coulis.
You will need:
2 tablespoons raisins, soaked in boiling water, rum or brandy
225g (8oz) best-quality dark chocolate (we use Callebaut 52%)
2 eggs, preferably free-range
and organic 1 dessertspoon caster sugar
225g (8oz) butter, preferably unsalted
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 225g (8oz) plain biscuits, such as
Marie or Marietta, or leftover
plain biscuits 25g (1oz) chopped walnuts or
toasted almonds
To serve softly whipped cream raspberry coulis
Line a 12.5cm x 20.5cm (5in x 8in) loaf tin or a 20.5cm (8in) square tin with cling film.
Soak the raisins in boiling water for an hour or so (or rum or brandy if you want a more festive version).
Melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a saucepan of hot water or in a very cool oven. Whisk the eggs and sugar together until light and fluffy. Melt the butter and whisk it into the egg and sugar mixture while it’s still hot – the mixture should thicken slightly. Next add in the melted chocolate, raisins and vanilla extract. Finally, break the biscuits into large pieces and add them in. Press the mixture into the lined tin. Sprinkle with the chopped nuts and allow to set in a cold place.
Serve cut into slices with softly whipped cream and/or raspberry coulis.
A Simply Delicious Christmas by Darina Allen is published by Gill & Macmillan for €27.99. It is available from all good bookshops nationwide.