9 instagrams to follow for the bullet journal obsessed

By Aoife Valentine Secor 20-01-2017

bullet journal

If like us, you've caught the bullet journalling bug bad, you're probably all over Instagram and Pinterest looking to see how others are using and designing their bujos. It's almost addictive, as it never feels like you've found the perfect layout for your planning. If you just can't stop looking for layout inspiration, you need to start following these bullet journal obsessed instagrammers quick sharp.

Each of their feeds are full to the brim with enviable bullet journal photos that will get your creative juices flowing and help you get your life in order, whether your style is watercolour masterpiece or monochrome minimalism.


Ryder Carroll is the OG when it comes to all things bullet journal. The man behind the Bullet Journal concept, he not only posts photos of his own layouts but shares the best of the best from the bujo community.


New Zealand based Natalie behind Pages 2 Plans uses little pops of colour quite subtly to accent her journal, for all those of you who envy the artwork-filled journals but just don't have the time or inclination to dress your own up quite so much.


We are in love with this particular future log layout by German bujo obsessive Maren who is big into simplicity.


We wish we had the skills to even attempt Italian bullet journaller Roberta's watercolour designs. How pretty?!


If your art skills aren't quite up to deadly levels, show me your planner is here to show you that a well-executed doodle can have just as big an impact.


Germany based Marie has some brilliant ideas to incorporate into your own journal, like this ideal day plan.


Minimalistbujo has you covered with ideas if you prefer to keep things clean and simple.


Michelle's little illustrations throughout her layouts are super sweet and offer plenty of inspo!


Last but not least, Boho Berry is the unofficial queen of bullet journalling. If you're not already following, her instagram is just a small snapshot of the guides and inspiration she offers on her blog and YouTube channel. We bow down.


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