- Clock hands
- Clock set
- Pearls x 12 (Hickeys)
- Cardboard box
- Fabric glue
- Fabric (Hickeys)
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Lid of a large round pot
- Skewer
- Glitter
Difficulty Rating: Easy
Time: 10 minutes
Cost: €10
- Start by dismantling an old clock or one you purchased from a Euro shop. Separate hands from clock set so that you’re left with the minute, hour and second hand separate from the clock body at the back.
- On a flat piece of cardboard place the lid of your pot and trace around it to make a circle. Cut out this circle. You can make three of these circles and glue them together to strengthen the clock face.
- Place your cardboard circle onto your chosen fabric and taking your pencil again draw a circle onto the fabric matching that of the cardboard clock face.
- Cut out the circle in the fabric but leave an inch around the perimetre.
- Place the fabric right side down and place the cardboard clock face onto the fabric as centrally as possible.
- Using fabric glue start gluing the extra inch of fabric to the back of the clock face as tightly as possible. A good fabric glue will hold tightly and quickly. Then turn the clock face around to make sure there are no creases in the fabric on the clock face.
- Put glue onto clock hands and sprinkle glitter and leave to dry – shaking off any excess glitter.
- Using a metal skewer make an incision through the centre of the circle at 7 ½ cm. Push the spoke of the clock set from the back of the clock to the front and screw on the clock hands (minute hand first, then the hour and the second).
- Taking your fabric glue again glue on the the twelve pearls for your number symbols.
- Insert your battery and set the time!