Celtic Tiger Crimes against Interiors...

By House and Home 28-03-2012
Celtic Tiger Crimes against Interiors...

It's been six years since the painful death of the Celtic Tiger and we've been reminiscing on how the Celtic Tiger affected the interior world...and that it did! In a big and hideous way. It was a time of plastic money, blank cheque budgets and a 'keeping up with the Jones' attitude. The property boom lured us all into a world of ridiculously over priced sofas, showhouse-y living rooms and boutique hotel-inspired spaces. We were dining out every night of the week, going on holidays at least 3-4 times a year if not more and buying investment properties to beat the band. Boutique hotels and luxury apartment buildings were popping up at every turn, each one trying to out-do the one before it. Miles of glass, stainless steel and chrome appeared everywhere, everyone had to have a jacuzzi bath and the shaker kitchen was the kitchen of choice. I bet a number of you have a shaker kitchen, I know I do! We all had a cream and chocolate brown colour scheme in our living rooms a la Kelly Hoppen and we probably had a brand new car parked in our drive. It was a crazy time but we're going to look at some of the top offenders in the interior world according to us and we would love to know if you have committed any Celtic Tiger Crimes against Interiors. Go on, be honest!

First up, we have the puffy leather recliner sofa. Do you or did you own a monstrosity such as this at one point? (probably in black or cream?) A number of us did I'm ashamed to say but at least now we have accepted the error of our ways. This is simply a crime against interior design. It was all about luxury and pampering so we felt it was only right to have a reclining chair or sofa in our living rooms which was made of the finest, softest Italian leather; some that would massage you and some that would have a flip down tray to hold your drink and even ones with mini fridges attached...ugh! And I bet some of you probably spent a month's salary on it. Have you any suggestions on what should be next on our hit list? Something in interiors that you despise that was a by-product of the Celtic Tiger? Let us know!

Own up! Just answer this question or leave us a comment below :)

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