Following on from our post last week on Carrie's apartment transformation in Sex and the City, I thought I'd create a poll on which of the four famous apartments our readers prefer starting with the bedrooms which I thought was appropriate ;) I not only loved the series when it was on TV (and continue to watch the re-runs over and over!) but I also loved how the set designers created such appropriate sets for the lead characters. The sets and props truly represented each character's personality by what we saw in them such as Carrie's laptop sitting on her bed beside a pack of Marlboro Lights or a vase of fresh white peonies on Charlotte's nightstand. So let's see which style you prefer:
Do you like Carrie's relaxed vintage-meets-boho-style bedroom with flea market furniture, a whole lotta books, a whole lotta clutter, an antique phone and Calvin Klein bedding?
Or do you prefer Charlotte's Park Avenue Princess-style bedroom with silk quilted bedframe, luxurious linens and perfectly chosen antique mahogany furniture?
Or perhaps you prefer Miranda's very practical, simple bedroom with tubular steel bed and matching bedside tables?
Or lastly, do you prefer Samantha's bedroom which is basically her whole apartment. Very fitting for Samantha to have her bed as the focal point in her apartment! Her large bed which is on wheels is positioned in the middle of the floor and has bedside tables attached. A flowy Muslin drape hangs behind it acting as a corridor wall. It really is the show piece of the apartment and is completely true to her character.
Take our poll below or leave us a comment: